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Thank you very much for stopping by,I would like to inform you that this site is my way of expressing my opinion,my opinions could be wrong.

In concordance with SECTION39 SUBSEC1 of the Nigerian constitution which emphasises the freedom of expression and holding of opinions and imparting ideas and information without interference.

Once again,thank you and God bless. OLUWAFERANMI ADEDEJI

Monday, 4 February 2013


A tightly packed group of today's men and women seems to be on the defensive of the Jonathan administration. They pick issues with virtually no relevance,aiming to confuse and distract the masses. Foolishly,they claim to be wiser than everyone else out of the current government.

There is no basis for the make-believe of this people other than they are privileged to be in the corridors of power. They have become so engrossed in their political ambitions that they fail in their responsibilities. It is unfortunate to have such a counterproductive group of people at the peak of affairs in the country inflicting so much pains on an otherwise powerless public. Honestly,we are being led by a bunch of scoundrels. 

They really don't care about the people but their pockets which get fatter day by day. So,they are doing their best to attack some other politicians. These politicians who themselves are not saints but threats to the scoundrels in power have fallen victims of their un-pitiable frustration.

Maybe it's a Nigeria problem but in advanced countries we see people who think they are capable to lead,contest in elections to get into power. In those countries public service is seen as a privilege not a chance to exploit their people. Some of them perform up to the expectation of their people and put in a good effort to battle terrorism in their countries. The ones who can't perform near expectation know when to resign and allow others have a go. 

The lecturer returns to his teaching job,the newspaper chief editor returns to his anti-government publishes,the artiste returns to his studio. They take the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of their nation. They are afforded the chance to contest in the future as better people.

It is quite pathetic that the today's men do not even see themselves the way they should. They lazily talk about their political enemies instead of getting to work. Their desperation to hold on to power has deafened them that they cannot distinguish the voice of the angry masses from the voice of other dastards.

It is in the large interest of the country that the public are made to know that in a democratic government,the people have the right to question their leaders. Let no one pretend like activism is some privilege. Nigerians will not allow any group of people to mess with the present and future of the country. Those who find themselves in power must be told to get to work or out of office.

Those who think they are bigger than the whole Nigeria and can do no wrong. Yes,the failed leaders in the past left lot of mess but the today's men are in fact adding to the mess. They have the ball in their possession but do not know how to use it. They have the whistle but cannot control the game and the players. They don't even know the political climate is the same as far as the people are concerned. They better stop the excuses and perform their responsibilities.

It's very funny and ironic that these men know the wrong the past leaders have done. They say the yesterday's men were corrupt,the people want to know why they have not been brought to book. One of their responsibilities is to ensure justice so why are they shamelessly bragging about their own ineffectiveness?

Too bad,someone handed power over with the country's electricity at a very bad state and apparently someone shut the Port-Harcourt airport and so on...How much has all this got to do with the today's men?Why is there no significant improvement in the electric supply when the resources are available?I don't know much about the evident transformation they are talking about. I certainly can comment on the roads I've seen around me,here in Nigeria and they are really terrible. I don't think any Nigerian cares who is awarded the road contracts,we just want to see the good roads. 

The people in power at the moment just make me think,"Can anybody possibly be worse?"We all know what the typical Nigerian politician can do when in control of public money,authority and influence. And Yes,some of them are right to say we have had enough.

It's a pity that the today's men have refused to learn from the mistakes of the yesterday's men. They fail to realize that they too will one day become history. They seem to be blindfolded by the power they are enjoying. Carelessly,they risk the lives of the masses. They spend the time they should use in thinking hard to solve the numerous problems they and their predecessors have created posting absolutely irrelevant junk on the internet. The  advice for the today's men is to do what is right now before they join the yesterday's men.


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